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Increase your water intake

Dehydration makes it difficult for your red blood cells (the cells responsible for carrying oxygen in your body) to function optimally. When your body is hydrated it’s easier for your body to carry a full load of oxygen.


Even a minimum amount of exercise can encourage energy levels to rise. Yoga, cycling, walking , squats, burpees, Pilates, and jump rope have all been on the list of energy boosting exercises.

High nutrient foods

Eggs, sweet potatoes, yogurt, avocado, bananas, beans, salmon, and steel cut oats are all nutrient rich foods that give you fuel to take on your day. These foods all help fight that dreaded energy crash.

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Seasons can effect your mental health. It’s called SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), which is defined as a type of anxiety/depression that starts late fall and persists through the winter. In fact a study has shown that all mental illnesses worsen in the winter. 64% of people report worsening mental health issues at the onset of seasonal changes.

Air also plays a roll. The state of air molecules tightening in the winter make it more difficult to breathe normally. Contributing to feelings of claustrophobia in anxiety sufferers. Also triggering panic attacks. In effect increasing anxiety sufferers sensitivities.

A list of symptoms include heart and circulation irregularities, disorder in sleep, fatigue, lack of concentration, phantom and rheumatic pain, just to name a few.

Some things to help combat these symptoms are regular exercise, exercise releases endorphins which helps provide that feel good feeling and increases your energy. Also increasing social interactions. Even FaceTiming someone close to you can help alleviate symptoms especially with the distance caused by the pandemic.

Being proactive about your mental health during the change of seasons is crucial to helping you cope better.

Contrary to the idea pushed by certain pharmaceutical companies a recent study has found that depression is not a chemical imbalance.

In fact half of the population who suffers from depression report not seeing positive results after taking antidepressant medication. They also experienced negative side effects and a lack of improvement of the quality of their life.

Findings of FDA trials revealed an inflated publication bias of the efficiency of anti depressant drugs. Meaning that some pharmaceutical drug companies have exaggerated how well their product actually works.

There is inconsistency in evidence to prove that serotonin imbalance causes depression even after an extensive review. In effect invalidating that hypothesis.

Rather, traumatic life events have been linked to depression. This implies an environmental cause rather than a chemical imbalance.

In conclusion treating depression is not a one size fits all issue.

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