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Polar ice sheets have began melting since the last ice age era. This action caused surface pressure to decrease in effect Earth increased the rate at which it spins.

Earth’s rotation speed around it’s axis determines how long a day is. That speed has been increasing over the past few decades. These events are responsible for the decrease in time. So now that old saying “time is flying” has come to be true. Days were in fact getting shorter.

June 29, 2022 hit a record of the shortest day in approximately half a century (50 years).

Although it’s important to note that it rarely takes 86,400 seconds (24hrs) exactly for Earth to rotate completely.

Since then time has surprisingly switched to slowing down. A few things that effects the Earth’s rotation is natural disasters such as earthquakes and the fricative effect of tides led by the moon. Every century these events cause days to become longer.

This will effect a wide range of our critical technology sources as, a lot of our technology is effected by time.

Scientists are still left to speculate at what exactly causes time to speed up and/or slow down as there are many possible factors.

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Research has found that rent prices for single family homes has swelled to an average of $2,495 a month for the first half of this year (2022). A WHOPPING 13.4% in comparison to housing prices in the prior year (2021).

36% Of people have even been forced to sift out money from their savings just to get by according to cnbc.

It is one of the primary causes of homelessness for Bay Area residents. Imagine being at peace in your home one minute and out in the cold-dark streets barely surviving the next. That is the reality for several low income residents of SanFrancisco and the overall Bay Area as housing prices continue to skyrocket.

SF board of supervisors have agreed to formulate a plan to tackle the crisis. By creating a policy to (allegedly) provide permanent housing to all of their homeless population. HOWEVER they still have yet to approve any new money and pushed off the plan to a later date. Leaving lives to-just-wait…

Allowing people to be deprived of housing is by definition inhumane. The need is now rent is now. Something has to be done NOW not later.

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There is a reason why when you go to historically disadvantaged-low income communities you see more liquor stores than fresh food grocery stores.

Ever bought an orange or tomato that seemed to spoil as soon as it got to the house? It’s called a food desert

A food desert is defined as an “urban area” that lacks adequate access to fresh-good quality food sources.

Research has shown that there are hundreds of Bay Area neighborhoods without adequate access to food.

This is a pattern that has shown up in predominantly Black- low in come neighborhoods. South Vallejo is included in the list of cities hit harshly by a food desert. And just over the bridge in Bayo Vista, Rodeo public housing, is another area stricken by this.

Pica and anemia (women chewing large portions of ice) are just a few of the effects of the food deserts which are symptoms that go commonly misunderstood. Food deserts are another pandemic harming underserved communities which often goes under the radar. It is truly a silent pandemic.

Being denied food is a basic need that CANNOT go ignored. It is depriving human lives of a basic resource that keeps them alive. Something MUST be urgently done.

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